#23 ~ Magic Carpet Ride

(with Allan Joseph Michael Boles)

April 4, 2018

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Allan "Carpet" Boles is a beloved father, partner, amateur illustrator, one-man band entertainer, karaoke host, and event DJ.  He is currently recording an album of original songs in the styles of his favorite genres. Allan lives in his own Fortress of Solitude somewhere in the bygone hills of North Jersey.

Nearly two decades ago, Doug was living on Dave’s couch.  We met at the same bar once a week for  Karaoke Night, hosted by a mercurial character named Allan Carpet.  When the bar closed down, the weekly ritual ended, Allan Carpet disappeared, and we went on our separate paths.  Last year, Doug ran into Dave for the first time in years.  It turns out that they’re both living in the same town.  Soon after, Dave discovered a karaoke night nearby hosted by--Allan Carpet!  Now that we’ve reunited, I’ve invited Allan on the podcast for a long-awaited chat, and it's a true privilege to meet the man behind the microphone...

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Contact Allan:

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