#4 ~ The Tides Are Rising

(with Anthony Oliver and Cory Morgan)

June 1, 2017

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'The Tides Are Rising' by Marcus Oraelius

'The Tides Are Rising' by Marcus Oraelius

Cory Morgan Bee

Cory Morgan is the bees knees.


Episode Breakdown:

0:00 ~ Ol' Nasty Rascal ~ 'What You Always Meant'

1:43 ~ Opus Intro

3:04 ~ Marcus and Anthony

2:10:33 ~ Opus Interlude

2:11:30 ~ Excerpt from Kingmanstock VI (July 2016) ~ Cory discusses her beekeeping experiences to Marcus, while Anthony plays guitar.   

2:23:28 ~ Opus Outro ~ ‘Advice for People’ by Devon

2:25:38 ~ 'Awake to Beets' by Anthony

2:29:10 ~ Opus Infinitum

Theme Music:  ‘Awake to Sleep (Opus Marcus)’ by Daniel Hall

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